Get a domain.

Get a domain.


Next in our EC Methodology Series... get a domain! It’s important. It’s how different parts of your system will communicate with each other, even if you’re building a mobile app without a web presence.

Hey folks.

And welcome back to our
series on EC's methodology.

Last time, we talked about the importance
of designing something so you get a better

understanding of what you need to build.

Today we're going to talk about domains.

So really don't do anything else yet.

Start by getting a domain it's important.

It's how different parts of your
system are going to communicate

with each other, even if it's a
mobile app without a web presence.

In our experience, almost
anything you can build is going

to require a domain of some sort.

Unless you're building a super
self-contained mobile or desktop

experience, you're going to need
an authentication system, a place

to store user data, et cetera.

All of those things, we'll need
to connect through a domain.

One way or another, it's
practical to have a domain.

If for no other reason, than you're
going to want to put up some sort of

marketing site or some web presence where
people can learn about your product.

It's also valuable to set up
an email address where your

users can get in touch with you.

It doesn't look super professional.

If you're doing that
through a Gmail account.

We recommend using CloudFlare if
the top level domain you want is

supported by them, or
.org, there are some more recent

top level domains that they don't
support, but they support quite a few.

If you do buy elsewhere,
we still recommend using

CloudFlare to manage your DNS.

Their free plan provides a bunch of
performance and security features that

we find valuable on all our projects.

If you do need to buy elsewhere, we've
been really happy with Namecheap.

If you're building on AWS, then it makes
a lot of sense to go with Route 53.

Let us know what your favorite
domain registrars are.

We'd love to hear more
about your experience.

Follow us.

If you'd like to keep up with
this series, we have a lot more

that we'd like to share with you.

We're constantly updating this process.

As we learn from ourselves,
our partners and our community.

And if you think we could work together,
we'd love to partner up with you and

help you out with your next project.

Thanks and see you next time.

Creators and Guests

Raphaël Titsworth-Morin
Raphaël Titsworth-Morin
Raphaël is one of the co-founders of Éphémère Creative. He is a developer, designer, and digital jack of all trades.